
Community Listening Service

Time To Listen

We can all feel low, sad or be faced with challenges at some point in our lives including:

  • ill health
  • bereavement
  • relationship breakdowns
  • unemployment
  • changes to life circumstances that just feel out of our control

But so often people do not want to burden their family and friends, and yet don’t know where to turn, but talking to someone out with our personal circle can sometimes be just what is needed and the Listening service can offer that for you.

The Listening service provides a safe, confidential space, free from judgement by our trained CCL listeners, for you to speak about whatever is causing you anxiety, or just making you feel low, and generally getting in your way of both your health and wellbeing.  

Unlike counselling or other forms of psychological intervention, CCL Listeners are not there to fix the problem, they are there to listen to your story, told in your own words, to allow you the space to be seen, heard and process what is going on for you.

The Listening service is a new service for Aberdeenshire, it is now available for patients registered at Kemnay Medical Group.

  • Open to Patients registered 18 and over
  • Appointments are up to 50 minutes
  • Appointments are held face to face in the Practice.

To make an appointment with the Listening Service please call Kemnay Medical Group on 01467 642289

For more details either click on the link below or email to


INGRID PENNY: Ingrid covers Listening Service Appointments at Kemnay Medical Practice

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