
Blood/Urine/Stool Tests - Subject to Prior GP Authorisation Only

We will not routinely inform you if the results are normal.

Requests for blood tests, urine or stool samples are subject to prior instruction or authorisation by a Practice GP or Secondary Care (Hospital Department) only.

Any patients requesting additional tests which have not been prior agreed/authorised will be refused and shall require a GP consultation to request.

Carol who is our Nursing Technician, takes most of the blood samples.  

Carol works Monday through to Friday with a half day on a Wednesday.

A courier takes the samples every day to the laboratory at approximately 15:30 every afternoon. 

It is always worthwhile talking to a doctor first, if you think you may need bloods taken and to be sure that the right test is being done. 

Patients who have been requested by the hospital to get blood samples done, must get these done at the Hub.

You can contact them on the Outpatient booking line.

01224 555177 or Tel No: 0345 456 6000

Mon-Fri:    08:30-17:00

Saturday:   09:00-14:00

Tel No: 0345 456 6000

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