
New Patient Registration



The reception staff will explain the process of how to register with the practice and will ask you to complete a set of Registration Forms.

Any new patient who is on repeat medication should highlight this to the reception staff and they will be contacted by the Practice Pharmacist for a medication review.

 It would be helpful if you have you list of current medication readily to hand for this call.

It is now current practice to be registered with a Practice, not an individual GP.


If you live within our practice area you are welcome to register with us and our reception staff will be happy to guide you through the procedure.

Eligibility to register can be quickly confirmed from your address. 
You may be asked to provide two documents for proof of identity - one with your picture and one with your new address but this is no longer essential criteria:
A combination of the following will be accepted:
birth certificate
marriage certificate
medical card
driving licence
local authority rent card
paid utility bill
bank/building society statement or cards
payslip (with address)
letter from Benefits Agency/benefit book/signing on card
papers from the Home Office

Please note, library cards, video rental cards, health club cards, private rent book or similar will not be acceptable as proof of identity.

You will also need to complete a registration form (GPR) and a health questionnaire, one for adults and one for under 16's (see Registration Forms) which will provide us with useful information whilst we wait for your past medical records. We have also introduced a consent access form, which will allow named members of your choice, access to your medical information. This will also be documented on your file so staff can see that you have made that choice for GDPR purposes.

We'd like to see all new patients who are on medication or who have a significant past medical history so that we can update your records as soon as possible.  Your past medical records will come to the practice, but depending on where you come from, this may take several weeks.

Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.

Click on the link below to find out more:

Registering with a GP practice | NHS inform

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