Repeat Prescriptions
Can we please remind patients when ordering prescriptions, to call between the hours of 09:00-17:00.
We have an online method, please click on the link above, you will be able to order your repeat prescriptions from there.
This is a secure and quick web-based service called Vision Online Services, you can register for this service by completing this application form or collect a form from the desk, in the entrance reception area, just as you enter the front door.
The Vision Online links directly to your medical record.
You may hand the completed form into reception, or scan in the signed form and e-mail these to the practice at
You can also use this for your children, but all those aged 16 or over must have their own e-mail address.
Those aged under 16 can be registered using a parent/household e-mail address.
A registration is required for each individual person, adult or child.
Special Request Prescriptions
There are certain medications which you may be taking regularly which we may not put onto repeat prescribing.
These include certain strong painkillers, antidepressants, immune modifying drugs, and sleeping tablets.
Obviously, these drugs require careful monitoring, but most are still available as a “special request prescription”. This saves you having to make an appointment.
Please check with our reception staff or your GP to see if your medication is available as a “special request”.
This decision lies with the prescribing GP and is influenced by various factors such as dosage and level of supervision required.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and contraceptive drugs may be available as a special request, but we will normally expect you to attend the nurse for the first two prescriptions, and then annually.
Please note patients who are using the Chronic Medication Service (extended prescriptions collected from the chemist) do not require this facility.
If this service isn’t suitable to you, you can continue to use the following systems:
Once the prescriptions are signed by the Clinicians, we then send them over to the chemist across the road, and they will make it up ready for your collection.

Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.
Let us know if you prefer to use another chemist and we will keep your prescription here for you to collect.
Medication Reviews:
Tens of thousands of repeat prescriptions are issued by the surgery each year and it is important that these are monitored and assessed regularly.
This can help avoid drug interactions and avoidable side effects, unnecessary wastage and helps to ensure you're receiving the correct, up-to-date medicine for your condition.
A number of drugs also require to be monitored periodically with blood tests. Every patient receiving a repeat medication has their records checked annually by our GPs although adjustments are also often made throughout the year.
Patients might therefore be asked to come in to see a GP to review your medication or be invited to see one of our nurses for a blood test and check-up.
If you no longer require a medication that is on your repeat slip, please inform reception or the doctor/nurse.
The doctors review every repeat medication for patients at least once per year. You may be contacted for review or clarification of any issues that may arise from this process.
Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service.
Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug. Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered.
Please book your medications review appointment at least 10 days before your medication runs out.
Unfortunately, some patients are experiencing a problem with the online repeat prescription service which means they may not be able to use this service. You may see an error message asking you to contact the practice or you may not see a prescription link when logged on. If you are affected, please use another method to order your repeat medications meantime, for example, using your re-order form or call the reception team, we apologise for this inconvenience.